ECDC website

The ECDC mission


The Centre’s mission is laid down in Article 3 of the Founding Regulation:
‘The mission of the Centre shall be to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases. In the case of other outbreaks of illness of unknown origin, which may spread within or to the Community, the Centre shall act on its own initiative until the source of the outbreak is known. In the case of an outbreak which clearly is not caused by a communicable disease, the Centre shall act only in cooperation with the competent authority, upon request from that authority.’

Key tasks of ECDC include:

  • Operating dedicated surveillance networks;
  • Providing scientific opinions and promoting and initiating studies;
  • Operating the Early Warning and Response System;
  • Providing scientific and technical assistance and training;
  • Identifying emerging health threats;
  • Collecting and analysing data;
  • Communicating on its activities to key audiences.

The ECDC vision

To improve lives in Europe and globally applying scientific excellence, thus empowering the Member States, the European Commission, and other partners to drive public health policy and practice.

How we work

  • Our work is founded on scientific excellence: independence, quality and relevance;
  • We deliver through disease-specific activities, and through generic public health functions;
  • We carry out our work in partnership with our stakeholders;
  • Our work is supported by efficient administrative and IT tools and services;
  • The way we work is inspired by our core values: service orientation, quality-based and ‘one ECDC’.