Consultancy on health systems strengthening for tuberculosis elimination

Ref.: NP/2021/DPR/12632 | Media type: ex-ante publicity

The objectives of this assignment are the following:

a) to conduct case studies on at least five EU/EEA Member States in the needs and challenges for health system adaptation to achieve tuberculosis elimination in the context of high income, low-incidence countries;

b) to conduct an exploratory assessment of the COVID-19 impact on the TB epidemic in EU/EEA Member States.

Results of the consultancy, including recommendations on suitable EU/EEA-level strategies to support the implementation of health system changes required for achieving TB elimination, should be summarised in various technical documents. The contractor is also expected to produce communication outputs to inform the EU/EEA TB Network members about the project.

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Page last updated: 18 Jan 2021