The EU Health Task Force seeks an international and non-profit organisation for the EUHTF Advisory Group

News story

The EU Health Task Force (EUHTF) has launched a call for expression of interest for international and non-profit organisations to join the EUHTF Advisory Group.

Established after the COVID-19 pandemic revealed shortcomings in the European Union’s mechanisms for managing public health threats, the EUHTF provides operational outbreak response and crisis preparedness support to EU/EEA Member States as well as supporting wider global health security. Coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the EUHTF has responded to multiple international requests for support both inside and outside the European Union. 

The role of the international or non-profit organisation representative on the EUHTF Advisory Group will be to provide expert advice on the operation of the EUHTF with a particular focus on the emergency alert and response teams. They will also help identify potential assignments or international collaboration opportunities and facilitate liaisons with partners in the field during EUHTF operations. 

Organisations interested in joining the EUHTF Advisory Group should be legally established in the EU/EEA and operate internationally. They should also possess expertise in public health and in the investigation, treatment, control, or prevention of infectious diseases, with experience in international deployments. The organisation’s nominated representative should also be available to attend (funded by ECDC) at least two annual meetings and remain in close contact with the EUHTF’s ECDC Coordination Team.  

The EUHTF Advisory Group advises ECDC on EUHTF administrative procedures, its mobilisation framework, and the criteria to participate in EUHTF Expert Pools. It is composed of members from six EU/EEA countries, from four Directorates-General of the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the GOARN Secretariat, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), and an international and non-profit organisation (to be appointed)).

For more detailed information, please consult the call for expression of interest. The deadline for submissions of interest is 13 September 2024