Healthcare workers’ role in keeping MMR vaccination uptake high in Europe: a review of evidenceArchived

ECDC comment

This review shows that doctors and other healthcare providers are regarded as the most reliable sources of information from parents.

Simone B, Carrillo-Santisteve P, Lopalco PL. Euro Surveill. 2012;17(26):pii=20206.

This review shows that doctors and other healthcare providers are regarded as the most reliable sources of information from parents. However, this trust towards healthcare workers can be compromised if inadequate or vague information is provided or a conflict of interest perceived.

Therefore, in order to improve and maintain vaccination coverage, it is fundamental to raise awareness and fill any knowledge gaps of healthcare workers, providing them with evidence-based information on vaccines and educating them to communicate effectively with patients and parents.

Parents need to be educated to make an informed choice on their children’s vaccination.