New tools for public health experts: Outbreak detection and epidemiological reports

News story

ECDC launches two R packages for analysing infectious disease surveillance data. The tools can support public health experts in creating epidemiological reports or detecting outbreaks.

The EpiSignalDetection tool will help to detect possible outbreaks. Statistical methods are applied to routine surveillance data to identify any changes in disease incidence. This can allow for an early detection and investigation of possible outbreaks.

With the EpiReport tool public health experts can draft epidemiological reports for a given disease, based on surveillance data. The experts will be able to create outputs similar to those of the ECDC Annual epidemiological report, such as table of cases distribution, trend and seasonality plots.

The R packages can be downloaded free of charge from the ECDC website, the CRAN website (for CRAN users) or GitHub (for GitHub users).

Download the tools

EpiReport tool

The EpiReport is a tool that allows the user to draft an epidemiological report similar to the ECDC Annual Epidemiological Report in Microsoft Word format for a given disease.