Factsheet on Chikungunya for the general publicArchived


Chikungunya is a virus that is transmitted from human to human mainly by infected Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.

The factsheet for the general public in areas where the vector is present provides information aimed at limiting the vector’s presence in the area and, as a result, limiting the risk of spreading Chikungunya virus. The factsheet is presented in a clear and concise manner which highlights the key messages and allows for the general public to be able to easily identify how to reduce the risk of contracting Chikungunya virus around their homes. The same messages are presented in the PowerPoint slide deck for the general public where the vector is present and can be used together or separately.


Read more on the ECDC website

Communication toolkit on chikungunya: How to prevent and control chikungunyaArchived

Following an outbreak of chikungunya in the area of Ravenna, Italy in Summer 2007 and the increasing presence of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Europe, ECDC has prepared a Chikungunya Communications Toolkit. It provides template materials containing background information and practical advice on chikungunya prevention and control and is targeting the general public, travellers and health practitioners.