Communicable disease threats report, 10-16 June 2012, week 24

Surveillance and monitoring
Publication series: Communicable Disease Threats Report (CDTR)

  The ECDC communicable disease threats report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. Summarising information gathered by ECDC through its epidemic intelligence activities regarding communicable disease threats of concern to the European Union, it also provides updates on the global situation and changes in the epidemiology of communicable diseases with potential to affect Europe, including diseases that are the focus of eradication efforts.
During the week 10 – 16 June, an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Scotland, a case of anthrax in an injecting drug user and a measles outbreak in Poland are in focus.

Executive Summary

A community outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Edinburgh has resulted in 41 confirmed cases, including two deaths, and 47 suspected cases. The source of outbreak has not yet been identified.

One injecting drug user has died of anthrax in Germany. In December 2009, similar cases formed part of an outbreak when 55 cases of anthrax were reported among injecting drug users in UK and Germany.

During the week, no new measles outbreak were reported in the EU. The enhanced surveillance section of the CDTR on the UEFA Euro 2012 reports a new confirmed case of measles in the hosting city Wroclaw, in Poland. The localised outbreak has resulted in 13 cases of measles to 15 June. Local public health authorities informed that public health measures have been implemented. Overall vaccination coverage for measles in the population in Poland is high.
