Table. Transmission of West Nile fever, May to November 2014 - Table of cases, 2014

Data set
Period: 31 May 2014 - 30 Nov 2014

In 2014, ECDC monitored the West Nile fever situation during the transmission season (May to November) in EU Member States and neighbouring countries. The table below summarises the last update for the season.

Cumulative number of West Nile fever cases, by affected area, as of 20/11/2014 (210 cases)       

Country No by country Area First case reported  Number of cases Population estimates (3)
        total (1) confirmed (2)  
Austria 1 Wien city 19/08/2014 1 1 1 687 271
Greece 15 Attiki prefecture 12/08/2014 2 2 4 088 447
    Ileia prefecture 19/08/2014 2 0 179 161
    Rodopi prefecture 28/08/2014 8 8 111 114
    Xanthi prefecture 04/09/2014 3 3 107 117
Hungary 11 Bacs-Kiskun county 02/10/2014 1 0 530 379
    Bekes county 25/09/2014 1 0 371 322
    Budapest 19/09/2014 4 0 1 712 210
    Csongrad county 29/08/2014 2 2 423 826
    Hajdu-Bihar county 25/09/2014 1 0 542 192
    Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok county 19/09/2014 1 1 394 891
    Pest county 19/09/2014 1 0 1 213 290
Italy 24 Bologna province 26/08/2014 4 4 976 175
    Brescia province 16/10/2014 1 1 1 230 159
    Cremona province 05/09/2014 3 3 360 223
    Lodi province 29/09/2014 2 2 223 630
    Mantova province 22/09/2014 2 2 409 775
    Modena province 04/09/2014 2 2 688 286
    Parma province 09/09/2014 1 1 433 154
    Pavia province 28/08/2014 5 5 539 238
    Piacenza province 02/10/2014 2 2 285 922
    Reggio nell'Emilia province 09/09/2014 1 1 519 458
    Verona province 10/09/2014 1 1 908 492
Romania 23 Braila district 29/09/2014 1 1 361 414
    Bucuresti district 11/09/2014 1 1 1 944 367
    Constanta district 27/08/2014 1 1 721 896
    Dambovita district 11/09/2014 1 1 531 011
    Dolj district 11/09/2014 3 3 707 629
    Galati district 11/09/2014 1 1 611 040
    Giurgiu district 11/09/2014 1 1 282 322
    Ialomita district 04/09/2014 1 1 288 472
    Iasi district 29/09/2014 1 1 823 388
    Mures district 29/08/2014 2 1 581 628
    Olt district 27/08/2014 6 6 468 931
    Sibiu district 19/09/2014 1 1 424 855
    Teleorman district 11/09/2014 2 2 405 070
    Valcea district 29/09/2014 1 1 408 518
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 Republika Srpska 13/06/2014 13 0 N/A
Israel 17 Central district 11/07/2014 2 1 N/A
    Haifa district 23/09/2014 3 2 N/A
    Jerusalem 23/09/2014 1 1 N/A
    Northern district 23/09/2014 5 1 N/A
    Southern district 30/10/2014 2 0 N/A
    Tel Aviv district 16/07/2014 4 2 N/A
Palestine* 1 Gaza 30/10/2014 1 1 N/A
Russian Federation 29 Altayskiy Kray 04/09/2014 1 N/A N/A
    Astrakhanskaya oblast 04/09/2014 3 N/A N/A
    Belgorodskaya oblast 16/07/2014 1 N/A N/A
    Chelyabinskaya oblast 04/09/2014 1 N/A N/A
    Saratovskaya oblast 04/09/2014 9 N/A N/A
    Samarskaya oblast 29/07/2014 6 N/A N/A
    Volgogradskaya oblast 04/09/2014 5 N/A N/A
    Voronezhskaya oblast 12/09/2014 3 N/A N/A
Serbia 76 Grad Beograd 17/07/2014 35 25 N/A
    Juzno-backi district 17/07/2014 5 3 N/A
    Juzno-banatski district 29/08/2014 19 16 N/A
    Kolubarski district 22/08/2014 4 3 N/A
    Nisavski district 17/07/2014 1 0 N/A
    Podunavski district 29/08/2014 4 3 N/A
    Raski district 10/09/2014 1 0 N/A
    Sremski district 22/08/2014 6 5 N/A
    Sumadijski district 02/10/2014 1 1 N/A

1) For EU countries, probable and confirmed cases, as per EU case definition
2) For EU countries, confirmed cases, as per EU case definition
3) For EU countries, population estimates for 2009 provided at NUTS3 level by EUROSTAT

*This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.