Measles continues to circulate in the EU/EEA, with new outbreaks reported


Measles outbreaks continue to occur in a number of EU/EEA countries, and there is a risk of spread and sustained transmission in areas with susceptible populations.

Distribution of measles cases by country, May 2018 in EU/EEA countries
Number of measles cases by country, EU/EEA, May 2018

According to the latest Communicable Diseases Threats Report (CDTR) with the most recent data collected through epidemic intelligence, Romania (4 317), France (2 588), Greece (2 238) and Italy (1 716) have reported the highest number of cases in 2018. To date, 31 deaths have also been reported across the region in 2018.

ECDC also published its monthly surveillance report, detailing age distribution of cases and vaccination coverage in Member States. 

In order to stop measles transmission and protect those most vulnerable to severe complications and death, especially infants, at least 95% of the population needs to be vaccinated with two doses of measles-containing vaccine. Only four EU/EEA countries have reached this 95% target for both the first and second doses (2017 provisional data, WHO), showing that further sustained action is needed.  

The continued circulation of measles in the region stresses the importance for people to be vaccinated with two doses, to protect themselves and their families.


Read the latest monitoring report: