Infographic: Reported HIV transmission modes in the EU/EEA 2019


This infographic shows a map of EU/EEA with the reported HIV transmissions modes in the various countries.

Infographic: reported HIV transmission modes in the EU/EEA 2019

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ECDC and WHO call for improved HIV testing in Europe

The number of people living with undiagnosed HIV is increasing in the WHO European Region. According to data published today by ECDC and the WHO/Europe, more than 136 000 people were newly diagnosed in 2019 – roughly 20% of these were diagnosed in the EU/EAA and 80% in the eastern part of the European Region. Every second HIV diagnosis (53%) happens at a late stage of the infection, when the immune system has already started to fail. This is a sign that testing strategies in the Region are not working properly to diagnose HIV early.

World AIDS Day 2020: The way towards 2030: diversified testing to diagnose HIV early

1 Dec 2020

One of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals is to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Still, 2 094 AIDS cases were reported in the EU/EEA during 2019. This shows a significant problem with late diagnosis of HIV infection. Detecting HIV only years after the infection is one reason for on-going transmission in Europe. One in every four AIDS cases occurred long after HIV diagnosis, indicating insufficient linkage to HIV care, access to antiretroviral treatment and adherence support.

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