After-Action Reviews of the public health response to COVID-19: Development of methodology, protocol, and supporting implementation tools

Ref.: NP/2021/DPR/12354 | Media type: ex-ante publicity

It is essential that public health agencies learn from the COVID-19 pandemic so as to optimise preparedness and response planning and implemention in the coming years.

This project sets out to develop a After-Action Review (AAR) methodology and protocol that EU Member States can draw upon to conduct AARs of the public health response to COVID-19 at national (and potentially sub-naitonal) levels. The AAR methodology and protocol developed in this project will be methodologically sound and will enable interactive discussion of all elements of the public health response to COVID-19, including cross-border and cross-sectoral mattters. This project will also develop supporting implementaiton materials to assist countries in implementing AARs of the public health response to COVID-19, including guidance on conducting interactive meetings digitally as well as in person. The final deliverable is a digital dissemination workshop to communicate the protocol and developed resources to ECDC stakeholders.

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Page last updated: 18 Jan 2021