Workshop on After-Action Reviews (AAR) and In-Action Reviews (IAR)

22 Nov 2021 - 26 Nov 2021

The overall aim of this workshop is to strengthen the capacity and provide participants with the knowledge and skills for conducting After-Action Reviews (AAR) and In Action Reviews (IARs) in response to the COVID-19 response and Public Health Emergencies.

Key areas of the training course:

  • Characteristics and phases to construct good quality IARs and AARs
  • Different methodologies and designs for AAR, including consideration of the role of an IAR
  • Selection of appropriate methodologies for IARs and AARs
  • Stakeholder analysis for AARs and IARs
  • Selection and development of IAR and AAR trigger questions
  • Lessons learnt through IAR and AAR process
  • Examples of AARs and IARS conducted by Member states

What will participants gain from attending the course?

Upon completion of the Workshop, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the concepts behind IARs and AARs
  • Design and conduct their own IARs and AARs
  • Be aware of the resources available in ECDC to support the design and delivery of AARs and IARs
  • Recognise research evidence as one of many factors that can influence policy making
  • Share examples, from their own experience where possible, of interventions that have effectively informed policy making for detection/assessment, preparedness, response/control or recovery in the field of infectious diseases
  • Identify relevant resources and tools to identify and evaluate different kinds of evidence, especially systematic reviews and high-quality single studies
  • Identify evidence-based mechanisms to enhance and support the use of research evidence in policy making
  • Prepare an activity to cascade learning in their institutions or country of origin based on the content of the workshop.

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EU Initiative on Health Security

This initiative aims to enhance regional cooperation to tackle cross-border health security threats in EU candidate and potential candidates countries and European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries.