Exchange of Experts’ programme: Bulgaria/Armenia on salmonella and campylobacter


The third meeting of the ‘Exchange of Experts’ programme took place on 8–9 June 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting focused on the prevention of food- and waterborne disease (FWD) outbreaks, and the management of campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis incidents in Bulgaria.

Exchange of Experts’ programme - group picture

The meeting brought together public health experts from Bulgaria and Armenia. They discussed the local guidelines for the isolation and identification of salmonella and campylobacter genera, and the microbiological and molecular genetic methods for the diagnosis of salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis.

The participants also discussed the epidemiological criteria to define and initiate the surveillance of outbreaks caused by salmonella and campylobacter. Although more differences than points of convergence were identified, the talks were considered very useful by both countries.

Currently, Bulgaria has made successful advancements in the sequencing of bacterial pathogens. Delegates expressed interest in supporting Armenia in the ongoing efforts to further improve the surveillance of salmonella and campylobacter outbreaks.


In the framework of the EU Initiative on Health Security, ECDC and the EU Member States set up an ‘Exchange of Experts’ programme aiming to provide experts from European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) partner countries with opportunities to learn from the experiences of EU Member States within specific disease areas, and in turn, share their own experiences.  

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EU Initiative on Health Security

This initiative aims to enhance regional cooperation to tackle cross-border health security threats in EU candidate and potential candidates countries and European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries.