Dr. Andrea Ammon gave keynote at HepHIV conference

13 Nov 2023
Madrid, Spain

On 13 November 2023, Dr. Andrea Ammon delivered a video message at the biennial HepHIV conference in Madrid during a keynote session setting the scene: What is needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in terms of testing and linkage to care?

The main theme of the conference was progress and implementation of integrated testing, new technologies and ensuring equity in the delivery of HIV, viral hepatitis and STI services.

The conference was organized by EuroTEST and brought together stakeholders from all levels of the health system, from community organisations to health care providers and policy makers to present and discuss new approaches for testing and linkage to care for HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and tuberculosis (TB), highlighting programmatic/implementation issues and adaptation of testing services in response to emerging public health issues.