Flu awareness week 2017

16 Oct 2017 - 20 Oct 2017

WHO/Europe launched the Flu Awareness Campaign initiative in 2013 as an extension of European Immunization Week.

About the Flu Awareness Campaign

The Campaign aims at increasing uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination in risk groups. Some people, such as older people, pregnant women, young children and people with underlying health conditions are at higher risk of serious influenza complications. In addition, health care workers are more exposed to different viruses on a daily basis, including the influenza virus.

But why a specific campaign on flu?

Influenza is usually mild and most people recover quickly. However, this contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses may occasionally cause severe disease and death.

The best way to prevent influenza is by getting vaccinated. As influenza viruses change, a flu shot is needed every year to keep up with the circulating viruses. In the northern hemisphere, the influenza season usually occurs during autumn and winter, and October is an optimal time to receive an influenza vaccination and to start the Campaign. 

Read more about the campaign