Knowledge, attitudes and practices of business travelers regarding influenza and the use of antiviral medicationArchived

ECDC comment

This descriptive study evaluated knowledge, attitudes and practices of Swiss business travelers with regards to influenza and the use of anti-viral medication.

Salome Helfenberger, Alois Tschopp, Luc Robyn,Christoph Hatz, and Patricia Schlagenhauf, J travel Med, 2010;17(6):367-73. This descriptive study evaluated knowledge, attitudes and practices of Swiss business travelers with regards to influenza and the use of anti-viral medication. Questionnaires were distributed manually through companies, organizations and travel medicine specialists to business travelers who were travelling between January 2005 and April 2009. A total of 661 questionnaires were evaluated. The results show that business travelers have a good knowledge of transmission and symptoms of influenza, even though it is clear that consistent guidelines for influenza vaccination and anti-viral medication is lacking in this group of travelers.

ECDC comment: This paper provides some good background information on the approach of business travellers to influenza and influenza prevention. Influenza is of potential importance as a travel-related  illness. Business travellers taking part in this survey seemed to be well informed regarding the mode of influenza transmission and the symptoms of the illness. There was considerably less practising of prevention than the knowledge might suggest. Public Health Significance:There are currently no uniform recommendations for travel-related influenza prevention and treatment. International guidelines should address the indications for influenza vaccination in travellers and also provide information on the carriage and use of antiviral medication.

This paper was selected by Dr. Helena H. Askling ( from Stockholm, Sweden on behalf of EuroTravNet. EuroTravNet, the European Travel Medicine Network, is an ECDC collaborative network.