Epidemiological update: Anthrax cases among injecting drug users, June-July 2012Archived

Epidemiological update

On 25 and 26 of July, two additional cases of soft-tissue anthrax among injecting drug users have been reported from the United Kingdom and Denmark. The genetic typing of the strains related to these cases is ongoing.

On 25 and 26 of July, two additional cases of soft-tissue anthrax among injecting drug users have been reported from the United Kingdom and Denmark. The genetic typing of the strains related to these cases is ongoing.

Overall, as of 30 July, seven cases of anthrax among injecting drug users have been reported since early June 2012. Cases have been reported from Germany (n=3), Denmark (n=2), France (n=1) and the United Kingdom (n=1).

A joint ECDC-EMCDDA rapid risk assessment on anthrax infections affecting injecting drug users in Germany was published on 6 July 2012. The epidemiological information was updated mid July 2012 when new cases appeared in France and Denmark.

These two new cases do not change the conclusions of the rapid risk assessment published on 6 July 2012.