Community engagement and institutional collaboration in Iceland during a norovirus outbreak at an outdoor/scout centre (10–15 August 2017)

Surveillance and monitoring

This country visit report presents the findings of a case study into an outbreak of norovirus in Iceland that occurred during the period 10–15 August 2017. The aim of this case study project was to identify enablers and barriers for community and institutional synergies related to preparedness and control of infectious diseases.

Executive Summary

The case study is part of a wider project done by ECDC within the context of EU Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross-border threats to health. It is part of a multi-country case study project that investigates the synergies between communities affected by serious public health threats and the institutions (both health- and non-health-related) mandated to prepare for and respond to them.

The premise for the project is that affected communities are increasingly recognised as key resources in public health emergencies, and that the concerns and experiences of ordinary people should be harnessed as an important part of the response.

This country visit report is published together with another case study, on Community engagement and institutional collaboration during outbreaks of Shiga toxin/verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli in Ireland as well as an aggregated report on Community and institutional public health emergency preparedness synergies — enablers and barriers that summarises the findings of the two country case studies.