Country profile: Denmark. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)

Country profile Graph Map Data set
Period: 01 Jan 2000 - 01 Jan 2010

In Denmark, TBE occurs sporadically, with 5–10 cases reported annually. The island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea is recognised as an area where TBE is endemic (Map 1).

TBE is not a notifiable disease in Denmark. The occurrence of TBE cases is monitored by the Department of Virology at the National Institute for Health Data and Disease Control (Statens Serum Institut). The data is published in the report 'Epidemiological situation of tick-borne encephalitis in the EU and EFTA'.

TBE average annual incidence rate per 100 000 inhabitants by place of exposure (NUTS3), Denmark (n=28, period 2001–2010)

Overview of TBE surveillance in Denmark



Type of surveillance


Type of reporting

Not well-defined

Type of data recorded


Cases routinely reported

All cases

Case definition


Provision of surveillance data

Case-based (2001-2010)

Estimated sensitivity of surveillance

National, fair sensitivity

Reference laboratory


The report was a first effort to collect existing data on TBE in EU/EFTA countries. The data, covering the period 2000–2010, were collected from different sources using different case definitions, time scales, and spatial units and do not reflect the complete picture and complexity of the epidemiology of this disease.

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