Detecting and responding to outbreaks of HIV among people who inject drugs: best practices in HIV prevention and control

Scientific and technical publications

A joint meeting organised by ECDC and the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) was held in Tallinn, Estonia on 29–30 March 2012 to share best practice experiences on monitoring, and responding to the risk of HIV among people who inject drugs. The main objective of the meeting was to provide a platform for information exchange between countries to support the response to the ongoing HIV outbreaks in Greece and Romania. Participants included national HIV and drug focal points from Finland, Portugal, Spain (Catalonia), United Kingdom, United States and representatives from the EU civil society forum on HIV. Priority areas identified included, monitoring the ongoing situation of HIV cases, HIV and HCV prevalence and injection risk behaviour; and improving collaboration between sectors.


MER-IDU-outbreaks.pdf - EN - [PDF-349.31 KB]