HIV and treatment: evidence brief, 2014 progress report

Surveillance and monitoring
Publication series: Monitoring Implementation of the Dublin Declaration

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Evidence brief: HIV and treatment. Monitoring implementation of the Dublin Declaration on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia – 2014 progress report. Stockholm: ECDC; 2015.

This ECDC evidence brief summarises key issues and priorities for action in Europe. It draws on country data reported to ECDC for Dublin Declaration monitoring and UNAIDS global reporting in 2012 and 2014 and surveillance data reported by countries to ECDC and WHO Europe since 2004.
Following ECDC’s 2010 and 2012 progress reports, a new series of thematic reports and evidence briefs present the main findings, discuss key issues, and assess the progress made since 2012 in Europe’s response to HIV.

Page last updated: 21 Oct 2015