Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, January 2019

Surveillance report
Publication series: Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report
Time period covered: 1 December 2017 to 30 November 2018

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, January
2019. Stockholm: ECDC; 2019

This monitoring report is based on measles and rubella data from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) for the period 1 December 2017 to 30 November 2018.

Executive Summary

Twenty-nine countries reported measles data for November 2018, with 385 cases reported by 16 countries and 13 countries reporting no cases. Belgium did not report measles data for November 2018.

Overall, case numbers continued to increase compared with the previous two months. Poland, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Portugal had the highest case counts with 74, 60, 51, 22 and 21 cases, respectively.

Notable increases were reported in Poland and Portugal.

  • Poland reported 74 cases in November, compared with 16 in October and nine cases in September.
  • Portugal reported 21 cases in November, compared with two in October and two cases in September.

Publication data