Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, September 2019

Surveillance report
Publication series: Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report
Time period covered: 1 August 2018 31 July 2019

Twenty-eight countries reported measles data for July 2019, of which 839 cases were reported by 20 countries, and eight countries reported no cases.

Overall, case numbers continued to decrease compared with the previous two months. France and Italy had the highest case counts with 305 and 152 cases respectively.

Twenty-four countries reported rubella data for July 2019, with 28 cases reported by one country (Poland) and 23 countries reporting no cases. Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Croatia did not report rubella data for July 2019. Poland reported aggregate data, while all other countries reported case-based data. Cases classified as ‘discarded’ are not included in the figures presented in the report.

Overall, case numbers changed little compared with the previous month. All cases were reported by Poland.

Publication data