Public health guidance on antenatal screening for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis and rubella susceptibility in the EU/EEA – addressing the vulnerable populations

Public health guidance

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Antenatal screening for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis and rubella susceptibility in the EU/EEA – addressing the vulnerable populations. Stockholm: ECDC; 2017

​This document aims to support the strengthening of antenatal screening programmes for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis and rubella susceptibility in the general population and in groups identified as vulnerable to mother-to-child-transmission in the EU/EEA. Vulnerable groups specifically targeted by this guidance include: 1) migrant women and women from ethnic minority groups; 2) women engaging in high-risk behaviour or with a partner at high risk for HIV, HBV and syphilis infections; and 3) women belonging to minority groups refusing vaccinations.