Public health guidance on varicella vaccination in the European Union

Public health guidance

 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Varicella vaccine in the European Union Stockholm: ECDC; 2014

The Vaccine Preventable Diseases programme of ECDC has set up a working group to provide guidance to the European Union Member States on the potential introduction of varicella vaccination. The aim of the final report is to support EU Member States in their national decision-making process with regard to childhood varicella vaccination. 
In line with ECDC’s commitment to openness and transparency, and in order to receive comments from the scientific community and stakeholders, ECDC is launching a public consultation on the preliminary guidance report “Varicella vaccination in the European Union”.
How to submit contributions
• Use exclusively the following email address and refer to the respective line and page numbers:
• Please read the guidelines for submission of contributions and kindly note that only contributions following ECDC guidelines will be considered.
• For more information on the processing of your personal data in the context of this consultation, read the specific Privacy Statement.
• Extended deadline: 23 June 2014