Rapid Risk Assessment: Outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in the Lisbon area, Portugal. 14 November 2014

Risk assessment

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in the Lisbon area, Portugal. 13 November 2014. Stockholm: ECDC; 2014.

​A large outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease was reported by Portuguese authorities on 7 November 2014. This rapid risk assessment focuses on the risk for the EU in relation to this event.

Executive Summary

The outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Portugal with 311 cases reported as of 13 November 2014 is one of the largest in the European Union. Vila Franca de Xira is not considered a tourist destination and no case has so far been confirmed outside Portugal. Despite the magnitude of the outbreak, this event can be considered a local event. All cases were infected in Vila Franca de Xira where the outbreak is occurring.

Cooling towers of major industrial installations in the area of Vila Franca de Xira were closed and investigations to identify the source of the outbreak are ongoing.