Rapid risk assessment: Outbreak of plague in Madagascar, 2017

Risk assessment

 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Plague outbreak, Madagascar, 2017 – 9 October 2017. Stockholm: ECDC; 2017

Since 23 August 2017 Madagascar has been experiencing an outbreak of plague, and as of 3 October 2017, 194 cases and 30 deaths (case fatality rate 15.5%) have been reported. Of these cases, 124 cases are pneumonic plague including 21 deaths, 68 are bubonic plague, including nine deaths, one is a septicemic plague and one is an undetermined plague case. The cases are from 20 central, eastern and northern districts in Madagascar.

*Erratum (10 November 2017): on p 3 (Plague in Madagascar) the figure of 200 cases of bubonic plague annually was incorrect and this has been amended to 400 cases annually. 

Page last updated: 10 Nov 2017