Review of Chlamydia Control Activities in EU Countries

Surveillance and monitoring

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2008. 'Review of chlamydia control activities in EU countries.' Stockholm, May 2008.

This report illustrates the scope and the findings of Project SCREen, arguably the biggest study to date on chlamydia control activities in the EU. In addition to data from EU Member States, SCREen also collected data from EU candidate countries, EFTA member states, and the USA.

SCREen collected detailed information about chlamydia diagnosis, chlamydia screening, case
management, chlamydia prevalence studies, and a host of related public-health topics. It
provides deep insights into the strategies that national public health systems employ to stem the tide of chlamydia infections.

In order to categorise countries, the SCREen project also developed a typology of chlamydia control activities, based on the principles of sexually transmitted infection control.

This typology could be used in the future to monitor the intensity of chlamydia control activities at the country level and to assist decision-making on which activities should be strengthened or introduced.