Data collection for and quality check of the ECDC-JRC Response Measures Database

Ref.: NP/2021/PHF/13246 | Media type: ex-ante publicity

The ECDC-JRC Response Measures Database collects and maps implementation and lifting of public health non-pharmaceutical interventions in 32 European countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will encompass regular collection of NPI data until the end of 2021 and support the quality check process of the overall database. The data collection will be performed regularly every 14 days, and will require a good understanding of the EU/EEA, Switzerland and UK’s public health response to the pandemic. The data collection is mainly non-quantitative, primarily concerned with extracting information from law decrees and official government communications. Support on data quality controls on previously entered measures will also be requested. The project will be performed in close collaboration with ECDC.

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Page last updated: 17 Mar 2021