European Reference Laboratory Network for Tuberculosis (ERLTB-Net) - to strengthen TB diagnosis in the European Union and European Economic Area

Ref.: GRANT/2022/DPR/13440 | Media type: call for proposal

Documents for the call can be found at the end of this page.

Questions and answers

Question 1

Question 1: Do we need to provide the declaration on honour, the legal entity form, the financial identification form, the authorised signatory form for each [member] of the consortium or for the [leader of the consortium only]?

Answer 1: Declarations on honour and legal entity forms should be submitted by all members of the consortium.  The financial identification form and authorised signatory form only need to be submitted by the leader of the consortium. 

Question 2

Question 2: Our Institute has currently available the financial statements and independent auditor’s report for the fiscal year 2020. Data for fiscal year 2021 should be available at the end of August 2022. Is it possible to submit the application now (with the documents related to fiscal year 2020) and then send you the 2022 documents as soon as we have them?

Answer 2: Please note that verification of financial capacity does not apply to public bodies.  See section 9.1, page 28 of the Call for Proposals.

Question 3

Question 3: In the budget form provided by ECDC, under “Personnel costs” (see below) only 3 types of staff are contemplated. However, in the project, as described in the project proposal, we will have a i) Project leader, ii) a Project Scientist, iii) a Project Manager. As the budget excel file is locked and we cannot replace the “Administrative personnel” with a Project Manager, we had to include the cost of the Project manager under the Project Scientist(s) line. My question is whether it is appropriate to include the cost of the Project Manager (role described in the technical proposal) under the Project Scientist(s) line (which thus include 1 Project Scientist and 1 Project Manager).

Answer 3: The proposed approach of including the project scientist and the project manager costs under the heading of Project Scientists is acceptable, as long as the roles are clearly described and the amount of time allocated to each role is detailed in the technical proposal.