PHE plan to support smooth transition from regular operations to crisis mode

Ref.: NP/2021/PHF/23694 | Media type: ex-ante publicity

Review of the ECDC Public Health Emergency (PHE) plan to support smooth transition from regular operations to crisis mode and identification of ECDC core activities to be continued during outbreaks and public health crisis.

The purpose of the assignment is to primarily obtain advice in crisis management that will materialise in the revision of the existing PHE plan through analysis of the challenges experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic, and a benchmarking exercise with other 4-5 institutions to identify good practices, which will be useful inputs for the review of the PHE plan. In order to ensure smooth assignment of resources to the PHE the following work is also required: identification of core outputs of the Centre to be continued in the case of all type of outbreaks, estimation of the resources required for the production of the core outputs, and a deprioritisation mechanism for the activities part of the annual work programme of the Centre (ensuring the interconnection with the PHE plan).

PS: Please note that Public Health Emergency (PHE) structure and plans are created in ECDC to respond to outbreaks/ public health crisis, and therefore the three terms are usually in use in the Centre.

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Page last updated: 17 Mar 2021