Review and evaluation of the public health and animal health aspects of West Nile virus and Usutu virus infection in the European Union

Ref.: NP/2020/DPR/13024 | Media type: ex-ante publicity

This project aims at reviewing and evaluating the public health and animal health aspects of West Nile virus and Usutu virus infections in the European Union. The project will encompass i) the organisation of a stakeholder consultation through a questionnaire survey addressed to the public health authorities, the animal health authorities and the blood safety authorities, ii) the organisation of a multi-sectorial meeting (note: the logistics and the logistical costs will be covered by ECDC), and iii) the writing of an integrated technical guidance on West Nile virus and Usutu virus infection in the European Union.
The team conducting this project should be composed of at least the three following profiles: scientific expert from the public health sector, scientific expert from the animal health/veterinary sector and scientific expert from the blood safety sector.
The duration of the project is estimated to be 11 months and the cost maximum 60 000 EUROS.

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