2nd World Non-Profit & Social Marketing ConferenceArchived

11 Apr 2011 - 12 Apr 2011
The Conference People

An event that brings together expertise from such areas as social marketing, the behavioural sciences, strategic communications, health promotion, community engagement, policy development and advocacy.

Presenting an opportunity to meet many leading thinkers and practitioners from across the world - bringing expertise from such areas as social marketing, the behavioural sciences, strategic communications, health promotion, community engagement, policy development and advocacy, this conference will bring together those interested in applying strategic communications, marketing and behaviour change methodology to solve key social challenges. Focus will be on the policy implications for the emerging evidence base for effective social program design and what this means for future investment, delivery and evaluation.As well as key note presentations by leading experts and thinkers, the conference will include a market place to swap and share ideas and projects, a chance to meet the gurus, a poster presentation area, a full workshop and seminar programme, and an extensive exhibition area.

During the Conference, ECDC will host a Seminar to acquaint participants with ongoing ECDC/Consortium Program for disseminations of evidence based health communication activities and innovations on communicable diseases for country support in the EU and EEA/EFTA countries. Guest speakers will also present application of research and social marketing as the approach to create sustainable behaviour changing health communication.


ECDC SeminarTuesday, 12th April

10:30-12:30Developing health communication research and practice: a focus on communicable diseases

Health communication:  developing evidence-based practiceDr. Ülla-Karin Nurm – European Centre for Disease Prevention and ControlOverview of the ECDC/Consortium programme on translating health communicationProf. Margaret Barry, Dr. Jane Sixsmith – Promotion Research Centre, National University of Ireland GalwayThe Behaviour Change Wheel: a system for designing effective interventionsProf. Susan Michie – University College LondonThe communication-marketing gap in public healthDr. Craig Lefebvre – Social Marketers Global Network

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