The 5th ESWI Influenza Conference

14 Sep 2014 - 17 Sep 2014
Riga, Latvia

​The European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) is a network organisation of stakeholders with a mission to reduce the burden of influenza in Europe. It holds regular conferences that have become the largest European scientific forums dedicated to influenza.

Opening Ceremony by Tonio Borg, the European Commissioner of Health and Consumer Policy, and Marc Sprenger,  Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.


Other participants from ECDC:


  • In the Satellite Symposium on 14 September, Pier Luigi Lopalco from ECDC presented, on behalf of the ESCMID Advisory Board on Vaccination, on Why ESCMID and ESWI join forces in the fight against influenza, together with Peter Openshaw from the Imperial College London.
  • On 15 September, Pasi Penttinen from ECDC presented on The European Public health research agenda – what do we need to know
  • On 15 September, Eeva Broberg presented on Influenza mortality, morbidity and burden of disease in Europe – public health implications.
  • In the plenary session on 17 September, Cornelia Adlhoch gave a keynote speech on Post-pandemic influenza seasons in Europe. What do the surveillance data tell us


Page last updated: 8 Jun 2017