Addressing TB and MDR TB in high-priority countries

1 Apr 2015 - 2 Apr 2015
Riga, Latvia

At this technical meeting, tuberculosis experts from high-incidence countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania) discussed ways in which ECDC can support with development and implementation of country strategies to prevent and control the disease.

​This technical meeting, back to back with the 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Conference on Tuberculosis and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis, was organised jointly by ECDC and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia. It aimed at supporting the five World Health Organisation high-priority countries in the EU - Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania - in their efforts to prevent and control of tuberculosis (TB) and drug resistance.

At the meeting experts discussed potential areas where ECDC could provide training, organise knowledge and experience exchange including:

  • surveillance;
  • laboratory diagnosis;
  • prevention and care;
  • health communication.

In addition, the meeting provided a forum for sharing best practices and lessons learned among the participating countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania).


Despite a decline in the past years, the situation of TB and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) remains of concern in the European Union, particularly in the countries with highest incidence and burden of tuberculosis. ECDC is committed to work with these countries and has a multi-year project aimed at supporting with development and implementation of country strategies.