Celebrating Europe Day, 9 May

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Europe Day, celebrated each year on 9 May, marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. On this day in 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French foreign minister, set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, and this is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union.

Europe Day visual

For more than 15 years, ECDC has worked on creating a safer and healthier Europe by working hand in hand with the EU Member States, the European Commission, and other partners and stakeholders. Lessons learned so far from the COVID-19 pandemic include the importance of strong cooperation and coordination with partners at EU and global level.

This year, the Conference on the Future of Europe will hold its inaugural event on Europe Day. The Conference calls for the involvement of European citizens in shaping the future of Europe, where different ideas can be shared and discussed online and at various events.

A multilingual digital platform will play a key role in facilitating this engagement, where people can engage with one another and discuss their proposals with fellow citizens from all Member States, in the EU's 24 official languages. Through the platform, European citizens are encouraged to take part in the debate, share their ideas, and help shape the future of Europe. The platform can be accessed here.