Coreper II ambassadors visited ECDC

2 Jun 2023

On 2 June 2023, a delegation of approximately 95 Coreper II representatives from the EU Member States, representatives from the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU visited ECDC

Coreper visit to ECDC
Coreper II representatives from the EU Member States, representatives from the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU visiting ECDC.

Together with the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the EU, Lars Danielsson, Andrea Ammon welcomed the participants. The Director and several ECDC experts outlined the work of the Centre and its collaboration with the host country Sweden.

What is Coreper? 

Coreper stands for the 'Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union' (Comité des représentants permanents des gouvernements des États membres de l'Union européenne).

As one of the Council's preparatory bodies, it is composed of each Member States' Permanent Representatives and chaired by the Permanent Representative of the country holding the Council presidency.

Coreper II prepares the work of four Council configurations:

  • economic and financial affairs
  • foreign affairs
  • general affairs
  • justice and home affairs.