ECDC launches preparedness self-assessment tool


ECDC launches the HEPSA (Health Emergency Preparedness Self-Assessment) tool, in order to support countries in improving their level of public health emergency preparedness.

This tool facilitates the evaluation of the levels of preparedness and contributes to identification of potential gaps. It also facilitates interactions among stakeholders to discuss themes related to public health emergency preparedness. Based on the outcomes of the self-assessment, areas for improvement can be identified and actions can be taken by the countries in order to strengthen capacities.

The HEPSA tool is worksheet-based and is targeted at professionals in public health organisations responsible for emergency planning and event management. It consists of seven domains that define the process of public health emergency preparedness and response: 1) Pre-event preparations and governance; 2) Resources: Trained workforce; 3) Support capacity: Surveillance; 4) Support capacity: Risk assessment; 5) Event response management; 6) Post-event review; 7) Implementation of lessons learned. The tool is complemented by a user guide and an evaluation form.

Read more on ECDC website

HEPSA – health emergency preparedness self-assessment tool, User guide

HEPSA is used to evaluate levels of preparedness, identify potential gaps, identify vulnerabilities, and detect areas for improvement – with the goal to strengthen overall preparedness capacities for public health emergencies. This user guide provides basic information on the self-assessment process.