ECDC workshop at EUPHA: social determinants on communicable diseasesArchived


ECDC is presenting a pre-conference workshop entitled “How financial difficulties shape social determinants on communicable diseases”.

In conjunction with the annual European Public Health Association Conference that is taking place in Copenhagen between 10 and 12 November, ECDC is presenting a pre-conference workshop entitled “How financial difficulties shape social determinants on communicable diseases”.  The workshop is aimed at presenting results of ECDC works on socio-economic determinants and its impacts on infectious diseases control and prevention. Likewise, the impacts of economic crisis on infectious diseases will be discussed. It will benefit from the presence of two well-known guests, David Stuckler, University of Cambridge and Martin McKee from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The meeting is open to all interested EUPHA participants. In addition, ECDC will have an info stand in the conference, highlighting publications and projects in the area of socio-economic determinants and communicable diseases. 

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