Health for the EU in 33 success storiesArchived


ECDC is happy to support the launch of Health for the EU in 33 success stories;, a new publication by the European Commission featuring 33 projects funded by EU Health Programmes and showing how they contributed to improve public health in the EU.

"Health for the EU in 33 success stories" covers a wide range of issues such as nutrition and healthy lifestyles, health inequalities, youth health, cancer, health threats and health information.

A number of them relate to the area of infectious diseases, for example, SHIPSAN TRAINET focusing on cross-border collaboration in ship sanitation inspections, outbreak investigations, surveillance and control of communicable diseases on board cruise ships and ferries.

Among others, the publication features projects that address prevention and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, handling of donated blood, tissues, cells and organs, as well as testing the capacities of laboratories in bio safety and bio security.  

 Read the online EU publication: Health for the EU in 33 success stories