Member State Consultation on Public Health Training 2018

3 May 2018 - 4 May 2018
Stockholm, Sweden

The ECDC Member State (MS) consultation with the National Focal Points for Public Health Training (NFP-Ts) is an annual meeting between ECDC and the national counterparts.
It is intended to be the key face-to-face meeting for coordination of any strategic as well as technical issue in the area of Public Health Training (PHT) on infectious disease prevention and control in the EU and to provide guidance to the PHT Section for planning and shaping of future activities.

Member State (MS) consultations for training are organised under the Founding Regulation of ECDC and aim to orient the Work Programme of the Centre according to the expressed needs at MS and EU level. As per recommendations of the Coordination Committee of the National Focal Points for Training (NFP-Ts), this year’s edition of the MS consultation focused on two key areas:

  • External evaluation of the ECDC Fellowship Programme
  • Capacity and training needs assessment (TRNA) for cross-border communicable disease prevention and control Survey in 2018.

In both areas, the Centre not only presented plans and progress made, but also sought active input from NFP-Ts in shaping these activities.


ECDC invited one representative per country – the designated NFP-T or the officially nominated Alternate; a representative of EC (DG SANTE), representative/s of WHO, representative/s of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) and MediPIET.

In addition, the chairs and co-chairs of EPIET and EUPHEM Paths of the ECDC Fellowship Programme Training Site Forum were participating in this meeting, because of their role of Operational Contact Points for field epidemiology and public health microbiology training.