Ongoing outbreak of measles in Oslo, Norway, January–February 2011Archived

ECDC comment

Between 19 January and 17 February 2011, 10 cases of measles (eight laboratory-confirmed and two probable) were reported in Oslo, with the majority of cases in a mainly unvaccinated Somali community.

Vainio K, Rønning K, Steen TW, Arnesen TM, Ånestad G, Dudman S. Euro Surveill. 2011;16(8):pii= 19804

Between 19 January and 17 February 2011, 10 cases of measles (eight laboratory-confirmed and two probable) were reported in Oslo, with the majority of cases in a mainly unvaccinated Somali community. Of these, two cases were identified outside the immigrant community, in Norwegian children around the recommended age for the first MMR containing vaccine dose.Information meetings and discussions were held with the Somalia community, in cooperation with Somali healthcare workers and the local Muslim society. Many Somali parents in Oslo are sceptical about MMR vaccination, and the belief that MMR vaccine was associated with autism was the reason why they chose not to have their children vaccinated. After the outbreak and the associated information campaign, around 25 children from the immigrant community have been vaccinated against MMR.