Train-the-trainers - Epidemiological methods applied to vaccine preventable diseasesArchived

21 Feb 2012 - 23 Feb 2012
Florence, Italy
ECDC,Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ (ISS) and Agenzia Sanitaria Locale (ASL)

This 3-day workshop was focused on building the capacity to organize, manage, and conduct training on epidemiological methods applied to vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD). The goal was to improve the participants’ skills as trainers.

Main contents to be covered were:

  • VPD Surveillance;
  • Investigation of VPD outbreaks;
  • Epidemiological studies of VPDs (safety / adverse events following immunisation, vaccine effectiveness, etc.);
  • Effective methods for adult learning.

Learning objectives

After attending the workshop, the participant should be:

  • familiar with interactive and adult learning methods, e.g. case studies;
  • able to lecture on surveillance, outbreak investigation and applied epidemiological research of VPD;
  • able to facilitate case studies in these areas;
  • able to define the target audience and to adjust material/contents;
  • able to mobilise resources (human, budget, etc) to organise training in this area.

Target audience

The target audience included epidemiologists/public health experts from EU member states (MS) and EEA/EFTA countries involved in surveillance of VPDs and immunisation issues in their regular activities at national or regional levels.


The workshop combined lectures, group discussion, participant presentations, and interactive case studies. Practical exercises were based on real investigations. Reference lectures and materials to develop training on epidemiological aspects of VPDs in the participants’ countries was also provided.