Travel and migration associated infectious diseases morbidity in Europe, 2008Archived

ECDC comment

This paper looks at the diagnoses of ill returned travelers that presented to EuroTravNet centres in 2008.

Field V, Gautret P, Schlagenhauf P, Burchard GD, Caumes E, Jensenius M, Castelli F, Gkrania-Klotsas E, Weld L, Lopez-Velez R, de Vries P, von Sonnenburg F, Loutan L, Parola P, Network TE. BMC Infect Dis, 2010, Nov 17; 10(1):330 [Epub ahead of print]

This paper looks at the diagnoses of ill returned travelers that presented to EuroTravNet centres in 2008. A total of 6957 patients were diagnosed with a presumed travel-associated condition, the majority being gastrointestinal disease (33%), followed by systemic febrile illness (20%) and dermatologic conditions (20%). Three deaths were recorded, due to E. coli pyelonephritis, dengue shock syndrome and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Also travel within Europe was found to be associated with health risks.

ECDC comment: This study provides a solid reference on the epidemiological spectrum of imported infectious diseases in Europe.  The morbidity related to travel within Europe is highly relevant from the European perspective.Public Health Significance:Travel-related illnesses constitute a public health concern and appropriate prophylactic advice is essential for all travel, within and outside of Europe. Specific attention needs to be given to risk groups such as “visiting friends and relatives” travelers (VFR).

This paper was selected by Dr. Helena H. Askling ( from Stockholm, Sweden on behalf of EuroTravNet. EuroTravNet, the European Travel Medicine Network, is an ECDC collaborative network. Read more