The use of vaccines for prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenzaArchived

3 Oct 2011

On 3 October 2011 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and representatives of the European Vaccine Manufacturers  met at ECDC in Stockholm for a regular scheduled meeting about the use of vaccines for prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenza. ECDC Director Marc Sprenger opened the meeting and ECDC influenza experts held different presentations, such as burden of influenza disease in the EU, risk groups for severe influenza disease, personal protective measures, pandemic influenza preparedness, seasonal influenza vaccines, communication.
The Declarations of Interest for ECDC Influenza Staff and the ECDC Director are available here under ECDC Transparency.

On 3 October 2011 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and representatives of the European Vaccine Manufacturers  met at ECDC in Stockholm for a regular scheduled meeting about the use of vaccines for prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenza. ECDC Director Marc Sprenger opened the meeting and ECDC influenza experts held different presentations, such as burden of influenza disease in the EU, risk groups for severe influenza disease, personal protective measures, pandemic influenza preparedness, seasonal influenza vaccines, communication.


Agenda : The use of vaccines for prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenza

Moderator: Deputy Chief Scientist Piotr Kramarz


9.00 - 9.10

Welcome note by Director Marc Sprenger


General Introduction

9.20 – 10:00

9.20 - 9.30: Introduction to Ongoing and planned activities for 2012 (Angus Nicoll)

09.30 – 9.50 Seasonal influenza: General influenza surveillance

  • Burden of influenza disease in the EU (Flaviu Plata)
  • WISO (weekly output in season and bi-weekly output off season including severe disease and virology) (Surveillance Team represented by  Flaviu Plata and Eeva Broberg)
  • Annual ECDC seasonal Risk Assessment process (interim and final) (Angus Nicoll)

9.50 -10.00Coming systematic reviews (Bruno Ciancio, Vicente Lopez and Angus Nicoll):

  • Risk groups for severe influenza disease
  • Personal measures
  • Public health measures
  • Antivirals

10.00- 10.25

Pandemic influenza preparednessLessons learnt from the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 and re-writing of pandemic plans (Pasi Penttinen and Angus Nicoll)


PIP- pandemic influenza preparedness agreement (Atika Abelin)

10.40 – 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30 

Seasonal influenza vaccines

11.00- 11.20: Monitoring coverage and VENICE outputs in 2011 and 2012 – (PierLuigi Lopalco and Teymur Noori)

Capacity to assess influenza vaccine coverage in the EU – where are the gaps.

  • Presentation of VENICE surveys (Pier Luigi Lopalco)
  •  Presentation of the EVER project including capacity building of immunization information systems (ISSs) and standardization of data to be included in IIS (Pier Luigi Lopalco)
  •  Monitoring the Council recommendation (Teymur Noori)

11.20 – 11.35: Capacity to assess influenza vaccine effectiveness – presentation of the I-MOVE project including strengths and limitations and future (Bruno Ciancio)


11.35 – 11.50: Capacity to assess influenza vaccine safety – presentation of the VAESCO project including strengths and limitations and future (Kari Johansen)


11.50 – 12.00: Interactions with EMA specifically related to seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines – risk management plans (Kari Johansen)


12.00- 12.10: A Health Economics Tool Kit for Flu Immunisation – is it needed (Angus Nicoll)



12.10- 12.20: Scientific Advances and Public Health Developments (Angus Nicoll)

12.20-12.30: Overview of ECDC Influenza Workshops week 10-14 October, 2011 and later events (Angus Nicoll)

  • From 10 to 12 October, 2011 a 3- day training for those responsible at national level for seasonal influenza immunisation (coordinated by Carmen Varela Santos)
  • On 13 October, 2011 an evidence based behaviour and communication workshop in relation to influenza immunisation (coordinated by Francesca Pesce);
  •  On 14 October, 2011 a technical meeting with some members of the Influenza Health Security Committee (coordinated by Teymur Noori);
  • From 13 to 14 October, 2011 a laboratory expert meeting in Prague (coordinated by Eeva Broberg and Flaviu Plata).
  • On October 11-12, 2011 GISAID (Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data) in Bonn
  •  Seroepidemiology workshop –1-2 Dec, 2011 Stockholm (coordinated by Eeva Broberg)

12.30 – 13.30


13.30 – 17.00

Individual presentations by the vaccine manufacturers