West Nile virus transmission season starting in Europe: First case reported, in Russia


​​On 4 July 2016, Russia reported one human case of West Nile Fever, in Rostovskaya oblast – the first European area with case reports this year. During the previous weeks six recent West Nile fever cases were reported in Israelemer

​On 4 July 2016, Russia reported one human case of West Nile Fever, in Rostovskaya oblast – the first European area with case reports this year. During the previous weeks six recent West Nile fever cases were reported in Israel.

Since 30 May, ECDC is monitoring for the current 2016 West Nile fever transmission season in Europe and the neighbourhood. Interactive maps and a table of cases are updated every Friday on the ECDC website, based on reported locally transmitted cases during the past week.


The specific aim of the weekly updated maps is to provide timely information on affected areas to the blood safety authorities in Europe and thus support them in the application of related EU regulations. According to the EU regulations, EU Member states should defer of donors who have travelled to or reside in areas with West Nile transmission.


ECDC started the implementation of West Nile fever surveillance in Europe in 2011 following a large outbreak in Greece in 2010.


Since then, hundreds of autochthonous (locally acquired) West Nile fever cases have been reported in Europe every year.

About West Nile fever

West Nile fever is a mild mosquito-borne disease, with flu-like symptoms, most infections are asymptomatic, but in rare cases they could lead to serious complications such as encephalitis and meningitis. The only way of prevention is avoiding and preventing mosquito bites.

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2017