Training on ECDC Rapid Risk Assessment methodology and communication in Tunisia


The training took place from 24 to 26 January and was co-hosted by ECDC and the Ministry of Health in Tunisia. It brought together 30 Tunisian medical doctors, epidemiologists, regional medical directors and residents from regional health agencies as well as staff from the Tunisian National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases. ECDC was represented with two Emergency Preparedness and Response experts and one Communication expert on site, together with other ECDC experts supporting online.

Group photo of training in Tunisia
Participants at the training in Tunisia

The aim of the training was to engage in a discussion on how to refine the skills of Tunisia`s dedicated health workforce at national and regional levels to rapidly detect and assess public health threats, to propose options for response to such threats, and to efficiently communicate on related situations and decisions.

During the training, the participants expanded their methodological knowledge on how to perform rapid risk assessments and reflected on the benefits of using a reproducible methodology.

The last day provided a framework on risk communication principles when developing and communicating a Rapid Risk Assessment. This session also gave an opportunity to prepare and test strategies to engage with simulated audiences representing NGOs, the media and the broader general public.


Early detection, assessment and communication of cross-border health threats are essential for mitigating infectious disease threats and are important elements of the ECDC mandate. ECDC ensures early warning through signal detection of public health threats on a 24/7 basis.

International collaboration and networking with national and international public health authorities across EU/EEA neighbouring regions as well as globally strengthens rapid risk assessment activities and provides unique opportunities to act effectively on potential cross-border health threats. Under the EU Initiative on Health Security (EU-IHS), ECDC supports capacity building in the EU`s Neighbourhood regions.

Tunisia is currently strengthening its capacity both on the domain of Epidemic Intelligence as well as on the field of rapid risk assessment of potential public health emergencies.

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Training workshop in risk communication

On 13-14 September 2022, ECDC organised a workshop on risk communication for health professionals and communication experts from the European Neighbourhood Policy Partner countries and the Western Balkans under the framework of the European Initiative on Health Security.

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EU Initiative on Health Security

This initiative aims to enhance regional cooperation to tackle cross-border health security threats in EU candidate and potential candidates countries and European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries.