Helping football fans stay safer this summer: new public health advice developed for spectators of UEFA European Championship


This year’s UEFA European Championship, UEFA EURO 2024, will kick off in Germany on 14 June and run for a whole month until 14 July, pitting Europe’s national football teams against each other. Each of the matches will be held in a stadium that can hold as many as 70 000 people, many of whom will have travelled from far and wide to enjoy this sporting spectacle held every 4 years.

WHO, together with the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), have jointly developed public health advice for UEFA EURO 2024 to promote the health, safety and well-being of spectators attending matches. The advice, covering a broad range of topics, seeks to enhance the overall experience for fans while prioritizing health and safety in light of the potential health risks associated with mass gatherings.

Spectating safely

The public health advice, available online, offers easily accessible information on topics that range from the vaccines travellers may need before they undertake their journeys to information on how to protect against various illnesses, such as respiratory diseases and tick-borne illnesses. As temperatures rise, the advice offers guidance on how to stay cool in the heat, prevent sunstroke and stay hydrated. It also includes information on sexual health and the use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis in Germany, and provides useful websites and phone numbers for anyone needing medical help.