MediPIET partner countries and training sites

Albania Albania

The Albanian Institute of Public Health is the successor of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and Immune-biological Products (established in 1969). It came into existence in 1995 and its basic functions include:

  • providing technical support to the Ministry of Health with information and advice
  • researching and collecting data on public health issues
  • providing continuous public health education for healthcare professionals
  • administering Vertical Prevention Programmes delegated by the Ministry of Health
  • serving as a National Epidemiological Observatory.

Visit the website of the Albanian institute

National Focal Point: Eugena Tomini

Alternate: Adela Vasili

Supervisors: 8

Graduated fellows: 4

Current fellows: 3

Algeria Algeria

The Algerian National Institute of Public Health oversees:

  • surveillance activities, including disease surveillance, laboratory surveillance, surveillance of environmental factors and cost-effectiveness studies
  • the development and implementation of disease control programmes followed by monitoring/evaluation
  • health protection and health promotion
  • training
  • research.

Visit the website of the Algerian institute

National Focal Point: San Bouchaib

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0


The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Armenia is a designated MediPIET training site. The National Center is a public health institution which operates under the Ministry of Health and is responsible for implementing: 

  • surveillance systems for communicable and non-communicable diseases, including monitoring, analysis, assessment, predictions and decision-taking
  • preventive and anti-epidemic measures for communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • immunoprophylaxis and coordination of the National Immunisation Programme
  • organisation and implementation of outbreak response process
  • disinfection and sanitisation activities
  • sanitary-quarantine measures at points of entry.

NCDC also implements public health and health education programs and provides laboratory services. 

Visit the website of the Armenian institute

National Focal Point: Gayane Sahakyan (Deputy Director General)

Supervisors: 2

Graduated fellows: 3

Current fellows: 2

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Public health efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina are overseen by two key institutions: the Institute for Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Public Health Institute of the Republic of Srpska

These institutions undertake a range of activities aimed at promoting health and preventing communicable and non-communicable diseases. This includes:

  • surveillance activities
  • the collection of health statistics
  • conducting research on health and the environment
  • offering ongoing professional development opportunities. 

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sarajevo also plays a significant role in building the capacity of healthcare professionals. It offers a three-year specialisation programme in epidemiology for medical doctors, contributing to the education of staff in the medical field. The faculty organises training courses, featuring lectures and case studies, and provides support and resources for candidates throughout their three-year specialisation period.

Visit the website of the Institute of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Visit the website of the Institute of the Republic of Srpska

National Focal Point: Nina Rodić Vukmir

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0


The Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt, established in January 1936, is committed to fostering a healthy and productive life for Egypt’s population. Its overarching mission is to enhance the quality of life for Egyptians by mitigating morbidity, mortality and disabilities. This is achieved through the provision, administration, and advancement of a comprehensive array of health services.

The Ministry's work encompasses:

  • preventive and curative medical services, including primary healthcare central public health laboratories
  • pharmaceuticals and the licensing of medicines; and the implementation of quality management and family planning initiatives. 

It also prioritises the training of public health officers through field epidemiology training programmes (such as MediPIET), aiming to continually improve the level and accessibility of medical services through research and development.

Visit the website of the Ministry of Health and Population of Egypt

National Focal Point: Alaa Abdelfattah

Supervisors: 1

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 1


The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia is an institution under the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs. Its strategic goals include:

  • reducing illness, disability, and death from communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • assessing environmental and behavioural risks
  • advancing biomedical and biotechnological sciences to improve health.

The National Center collaborates with national and international universities, research centres, and public health institutions and actively participates in continuous education activities.

Visit the website of the Georgian institute

National Focal Point: Paata Imnadze


Graduated fellows: 3

Current fellows: 2


The Ministry of Health of Israel deals with the organisation, operation and provision of preventive, diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation, and research services – directly or via medical institutions. 

Visit the website of the Ministry of Health of Israel

National Focal Point: Lital Keinan-Boker

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0


The main vision of the Ministry of Health of Jordan is to ensure a healthy community and provide a comprehensive health system encompassing equity, efficiency, and high quality across all regions. The Ministry of Health is responsible for all health affairs in the Kingdom and its tasks and duties include:

  • maintaining public health by offering preventive, treatment and health control services
  • organising and supervising health services offered by the public and private sector
  • providing health insurance for the public
  • establishing and controlling the management of health education and training institutes and centres in accordance with the relevant provisions of the appropriate legislation.

Visit the website of the Ministry of Health of Jordan

National Focal Point: Ghazi Faisal Sharkas

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0


The Institute of Public Health serves as both a research institution and a technical advisory entity under the Ministry of Health. In addition, it plays an integral role in education and research in the field of medicine.

The Institute of Public Health of Kosovo encompasses the Department of Epidemiology, the Department of Human Ecology, the Department of Microbiology, the Department of Social Medicine, and the Department of Health Information Systems.

Visit the website of the Kosovar institute

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICI Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Current National Focal Point: Ariana Kalaveshi

Supervisors: 3

Graduated fellows: 2

Current fellows: 2


The Epidemiology Surveillance Program at the Ministry of Public Health was first created in 1995 as one component of the World Bank project for rehabilitation of the health sector in Lebanon after the civil war. The main objective was to support public health functions in re-activating surveillance of mandatory communicable diseases. 

Since 2000, the Epidemiology Surveillance Program has become part of the Ministry, with additional staff recruited and peripheral teams designated. The Program’s functions have also been expanded to incorporate disease surveillance, outbreak detection and investigation, public workforce capacity-building and contributing to WHO/Global Outbreak Alert Response Network (GOARN) field missions. The Epidemiology Surveillance Program was declared a MediPIET pilot training site in 2014. 

Visit the website of the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon

National Focal Point: Nada Ghosn

Supervisors: 4

Graduated fellows: 5

Current fellows: 2


The National Center for Disease Control is dedicated to advancing public health and ensuring the well-being of citizens, particularly in the area of disease control. Its primary mission is to build capacity to identify scientific approaches for the prevention and management of disease, through collaboration with specialised agencies such as the World Health Organization and other relevant international organisations and institutions.

Visit the website of the Libyan institute

National Focal Point: Taher Emahbes

Supervisors: 4

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 4


Moldova’s National Agency for Public Health is a scientific agency working under the Ministry of Health. It is responsible for most of the core public health functions nationally, including the development, monitoring and implementation of the legislative and regulatory framework for public health.

Visit the website of the Moldovan institute

National Focal Point: Alina Druc

Supervisors: 1

Graduated fellows: 3

Current fellows: 3


Montenegro’s Institute for Public Health is a highly specialised medical institution focusing on the protection and improvement of the health of Montenegro’s citizens. The Institute performs numerous tasks through its epidemiological, microbiological, environmental health, and social medicine units. All units have their scientific base at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montenegro.

Visit the website of the Montenegrin institute

National Focal Point: Aleksandar Obradović

Supervisors: 2

Graduated fellows: 1

Current fellows: 1


The Ministry of Health of Morocco is responsible for the development and implementation of policies related to the health of the population, coordinating its activities with the various departments in charge of promoting the physical, mental and social well-being of the country’s inhabitants. 

The Ministry:

  •  standardises and coordinates all activities contributing to the improvement of health through the better distribution of resources in prevention, healthcare and assistance; 
  • develops and implements the legal and technical aspects of national policy relating to drugs and pharmaceutical products; and
  •   follows the International Health Regulations and implements its protocols accordingly.

Visit the website of the Ministry of Health of Morocco

National Focal Point: Ahmed Rguig

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0

Republic of North Macedonia

The Institute for Public Health of North Macedonia is a highly specialised medical institution whose mission is to promote the health and general welfare of the population through science-based knowledge, best practices, information, organisational partnerships and other activities that have a positive impact on public health policies. 

The Institute’s vision is to ensure promote:

  • a healthy population in a healthy and safe environment;
  • sustainable health systems; and 
  • health security against local public health threats. 

The Institute performs numerous tasks through its Epidemiological, Microbiological, Environmental Health, Social Medicine, Health Statistics and Publishing, Testing and Drug Quality Control and Chemical and Radiological Testing units. All units have their scientific base at the Faculties of Medicine in Skopje, Shtip and Tetovo Universities.

Visit the website of the North Macedonian institute

National Focal Point: Shaban Memeti

Supervisors: 3

Graduated fellows: 4

Current fellows: 3


The Palestinian National Institute of Public Health was established in 2011. The Institute undertakes health surveillance, data analysis and research to provide science-based information and advice on health issues to civil society in Palestine. It also plays a role in training and capacity building for the health sector and acts as a bridge between health researchers in the academic community and decision-makers in Palestine.

The Institute seeks to achieve several objectives, including:

  • providing objective facts and recommendations for decision-makers on methods for improving public health
  • spreading the practice of using science-based information to set health policies and define priorities in the field of public health
  • developing and creating health registries and surveillance systems and support the use of national health information
  • building capacities and competences in the fields of scientific research, analysis of health management systems and preparedness in the health sector and others
  • serving as a point of communication between specialists and researchers in public health to exchange experiences and information
  • supporting cooperative relationships between institutions working in the field of public health, locally, regionally, and internationally.

Visit the website of the Palestinian institute

** This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue

National Focal Point: Maria Yousef Al-Aqra

Supervisors: 2

Graduated fellows: 1

Current fellows: 3


The ‘Dr Milan Jovanović Batut’ Institute of Public Health of Serbia is an expert institution for public health, established at national level, which provides advice, support, and guidance for the Serbian government and all its departments on public health, and conducts independent research on issues related to public health in Serbia. 

The Institute’s activities are defined by the law on healthcare, which also encompasses public health, and involve preserving physical and mental health, environmental protection, and the prevention of risk factors for disease and injury. These activities are accomplished by applying health technologies and measures aimed at promoting health, preventing disease, and improving quality of life. The Institute’s main areas of activity cover the analysis, planning and organisation of healthcare, the collection of information and biostatistics, health promotion, disease prevention and control, hygiene, human ecology, and microbiology.

Visit the website of the Serbian institute

National Focal Point: Verica Jovanovic

Supervisors: 3

Graduated fellows: 4

Current fellows: 2


The Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases was created in 2008. Its principal mission was to implement an early warning system for new and emerging diseases.

Activities include:

  • detecting public health events requiring rapid investigation and response
  • reinforcing the national surveillance and response system including risk assessment
  • epidemiological surveillance: enhancing the national epidemiological surveillance system in the areas of early detection, rapid response and investigation
  • microbiological monitoring: the rapid identification of microbial strains responsible for new and emerging diseases
  • climate monitoring: the integration of climatic factors with potential health effects into monitoring
  • sociological monitoring: collecting data and conducting studies on habits and emerging social determinants of behaviour
  • entomological monitoring: collecting data on emerging vectors and developing risk-mapping
  • developing and maintaining a proactive partnership with the media and communication specialists.

View the website of the Tunisian institute

National Focal Point: Nissaf ben Alaya 

Supervisors: 4

Graduated fellows: 6

Current fellows: 3


Ukraine’s I. I. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute under the Ministry of Health is a leading research institute on epidemiology, microbiology, epizootiology of dangerous infections, biological safety, and biological security.

The primary objectives and scope of the Institute’s activities are:

  • the implementation of state policy for healthcare that stipulates the performance of scientific research
  • providing organisational and methodological support for healthcare institutions and organisations regarding biological safety, biological security and response to biological threats related to dangerous and/or new infectious diseases.

Visit the website of the Ukrainian institute

National Focal Point: Ihor Kuzin

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 1

Current fellows: 0


The Ministry of Health of Türkiye is responsible for proposing and carrying out the government’s policy on health, planning and providing healthcare, and protecting consumers. It is also responsible for proposing and executing the government policy on social cohesion and inclusion, family, protection of minors, youth and of care for dependent or disabled persons. 

Visit the website of the Ministry of Health of Türkiye

National Focal Point: Fehminaz Temel 

Supervisors: 0

Graduated fellows: 0

Current fellows: 0