Joint DG SANCO, EFSA and ECDC seminar - "Animal-to-human diseases: How does Europe protect its citizens?"Archived

10 Oct 2011
European Parliament, Brussels

The seminar addressed issues such as the human cost of zoonoses, trends in food-borne diseases, challenges and lessons learnt from epidemiological investigations on the 2011 E.coli outbreak and salmonella controls.

Joint seminar by Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs (DG SANCO), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and ECDC. Hosted by EP Vice-President Dagmar Roth-Behrendt ,“Animal-to-human diseases: How does Europe protect its citizens” seminar addressed issues such as the human cost of zoonoses, trends in food-borne diseases, challenges and lessons learnt from epidemiological investigations on the 2011 E.coli outbreak and salmonella controls.